We have hosted the application 123vcf in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about 123vcf:

123VCF has been developed to make the filtration step of VCF files more reliable and efficient.
It can be used in the most important step of whole exome sequencing and whole genome sequencing data analysis in the research and also clinical settings.
It just gets the filtration order file and variant file and then, it filters variants based on what you ordered through the filtration order file.

User manual:
https: //dl.adbioinformatics.net/123VCF/123VCF_Manual.ver1.pdf
Authors: Milad Eidi, Samaneh Abdolalizadeh, Soheila Moeini
Supervisors: Javad Zahiri, PhD - Masoud Garshasbi, PhD.

  • Graphical user interface
  • Easy-to use
  • Easy-to-understand
  • Compressed or non-compressed VCF files as input
  • Survived variants present in VCF format, Tab-separated format
  • 123VCF puts the same BED feature variants when the user defines a BED filter next to each other in a TSV file to detect possible compound heterozygous variants

Audience: Education, Advanced End Users, End Users/Desktop, Testers.
User interface: Java Swing.
Programming Language: Java.
Data Analytics

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