txm online with Winfy

We have hosted the application txm in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about txm:

TXM is a free and open-source cross-platform Unicode & XML based text/corpus analysis environment and graphical client, supporting Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It can also be used online as a J2EE standard compliant web portal (GWT based) with access control built in.

DOWNLOAD LATEST VERSION OF TXM : http: //textometrie.ens-lyon.fr/spip.php?rubrique61&lang=en

TXM offers a comprehensive range of analysis tools (concordances, collocate search, frequency lists, etc.) based on the powerfull CQP full text search engine (http: //cwb.sourceforge.net) and a range of statistical functions (factorial analysis, classification, cooccurrency analysis, etc.) based on R packages (http: //www.r-project.org).

Read the scientific background at the Textométrie project web site http: //textometrie.ens-lyon.fr/?lang=en.

Read a full description at the TEI Tools wiki http: //wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/TXM.

  • Provides qualitative analysis tools : concordancer of lexical patterns based on word & structure level queries, rich HTML based text editions navigation, patterns occurrences layout display
  • Provides quantitative analysis tools : factorial correspondance analysis, constrative word specificities, hierarchical classification, cooccurrents of patterns
  • Works on any collection of Unicode encoded documents of various formats: texts collections (TXT, XML, XML-TEI P5), recordings transcriptions (XML-Transcriber), aligned corpora (XML-TMX), press articles (XML-PPS Factiva, Europress) and more.
  • Applies various NLP tools on the fly on texts before analysis (e.g. TreeTagger for lemmatization and pos tagging)
  • Allows to build various subcorpora and partitions (for constrative analysis between text structures or groups of words)
  • Exports any result in CSV, XML or SVG format
  • Script drivable for repetitive tasks automation or platform extension (in Groovy/Java)
  • Includes a text editor to edit data sources, results and scripts
  • Runs as standalone Windows, Mac OS X or Linux application
  • Runs also as portal web application to access and analyze corpora online through a web browser (with access control management)
  • Open source: based on the best open source components for text analysis: CQP, R and Java & XSLT libraries
  • Modular architecture (Eclipse RCP OSGi and J2EE conformant): one toolbox connecting all core components is used by all the applications
  • Efficient Eclipse or Netbeans powered development framework

Audience: Science/Research, Advanced End Users, Developers, End Users/Desktop.
User interface: Java SWT, Web-based, Console/Terminal, Eclipse.
Programming Language: C, Groovy, Java, S/R.
Database Environment: Other API.

Information Analysis, Linguistics, Statistics

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