We have hosted the application scenario editor and visualizer to run in windows online over linux online in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about scenario editor and visualizer to run in windows online over linux online:

Software Assistive Systems supporting visualization, simulation with aid of virtual reality could possibly enhance the experience and thereby enhance the speed and characteristics of the learning process. For the inclusive systems this means to make the best use of all interfaces human beings are blessed with taken from visualization, touch, voice, smell and taste. The right blend between visualization, simulation and virtual reality could hold the key to a solution. With reduced costs and processing power available and availability of experimentation platforms could hold the key to an enchanting learning experience.
The first step is an editing and visualization tool.
Described in paper
http: //ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6629931&refinements%3D4278371973%26queryText%3DGlobal+Humanitarian+Technology+Conference%3A+South+Asia+Satellite+.LB.GHTC-SAS.RB.%2C+2013+IEEE#!

  • create engineering education scenario
  • save engineering education scenario
  • play engineering education scenario

Audience: Education, Engineering.
User interface: Qt.
Programming Language: C++.
Database Environment: XML-based.

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