rrrp online with Winfy
We have hosted the application rrrp in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about rrrp:
--English--RRRP is a very simple remote protocol with tools of both server and client sides.
The project is currently in development phase.
First release will end up with
- protocol specifications (very short : -))
- keyboard emulation
- mouse emulation
- server script (Windows OS specific)
- client app (Android OS specific)
The project - and the protocol - has been named as both founders nick names: Ric and Ry.
RRRP est un procotole tr�s simple de contr�le � distance et l'impl�mentation des deux c�t�s.
Ce projet est actuellement en cours de d�veloppement.
Les objectifs premiers sont
- les specs du protocole (�a sera court : -))
- l'�mulation du clavier
- l'�mulation de la souris
- le script c�t� server (sp�cifique Windows OS)
- l'appli client (sp�cifique Android OS)
Le projet - et le protocole associ� - a �t� nomm� d'apr�s les surnoms des deux fondateurs : Ric et Ry.
Programming Language: Java, AutoIt.
Data Formats, Terminals, Emulators
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