We have hosted the application resty in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about resty:
Simple HTTP and REST client library for Go (inspired by Ruby rest-client). Features section describes in detail about Resty capabilities. Request URL Path Params (aka URI Params). Backoff Retry Mechanism with retry condition function reference. Resty client HTTP & REST Request and Response middleware. Request.SetContext supported. Authorization option of BasicAuth and Bearer token. Set request ContentLength value for all request or particular request. Custom Root Certificates and Client Certificates. Download/Save HTTP response directly into File, like curl -o flag. See SetOutputDirectory & SetOutput. Cookies for your request and CookieJar support. SRV Record based request instead of Host URL. Client settings like Timeout, RedirectPolicy, Proxy, TLSClientConfig, Transport, etc. Optionally allows GET request with payload, see SetAllowGetMethodPayload. Supports registering external JSON library into resty, see how to use. Exposes Response reader without reading response.Features:
- Simple and chainable methods for settings and request
- Request Body can be string, []byte, struct, map, slice and io.Reader too
- Buffer less processing for io.Reader
- Request URL Path Params (aka URI Params)
- Backoff Retry Mechanism with retry condition function reference
Programming Language: Go.
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