renewable energy calculator to run in linux online online with Winfy

We have hosted the application renewable energy calculator to run in linux online in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about renewable energy calculator to run in linux online:

Renewable Energy Calculator.

Renewable Energy Calculator is currently only available in a VB.Net format.

A Vb.Net Version for Microsoft Windows with an MS Access 2003 Database, we are currently redeveloping the Gambas 2 application using a Mysql database for Linux - My SQL Users to a Gambas 3 version to incorporate the changes made to the VB.Net version.

It was created to analyse the current energy usage in your home, your garage, your business, and your vehicles, and how a mix of renewable energy resources and carbon offsets (tree plantings) can support your ongoing energy usage and balance your overall carbon footprint.

Developed to size my solar power installation and ongoing tree planting scheme (currently I've planted nearly 7,000 trees in the past 10 years) turning 16 acres of pasture into 10 acres of forest and bringing back habitat for wildlife. The change to local habitat has really been noticable with lots of species coming back into the area. The creek area is

Audience: End Users/Desktop.
User interface: Gnome, Win32 (MS Windows).
Programming Language: BASIC.
Database Environment: Microsoft Access, MySQL.

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