postinstallerf online with Winfy
We have hosted the application postinstallerf in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about postinstallerf:
PostInstallerF will install all the software that Fedora Linux and others doesn't include by default, after running Fedora for the first time. Its easy for a new user. PostInstallerF contains everything that you need for your daily computing.SPANISH
PostinstallerF Instalara todo software que no se incluye por defecto. Es f�cil para el nuevo usuario. No te compliques!
*How to Install PostInstallerF*
from a terminal (5 steps):
* FEDORA 23/24 *
1) su
2) dnf -y install wget
3) rpm --import https: //$(rpm -E %fedora)/RPM-GPG-KEY-postinstallerf
4) wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d/ https: //
5) dnf clean all && dnf -y install postinstallerf.
- Adds Third party repositories automatically: RPMFusion, Google, Adobe, Chromium, Skype, Opera, Oracle Virtualbox, Google Earth, Lives.
- Install all multimedia codecs
- Enable/disable sudo (the current user)
- New design
- English support
- Install Nvidia drivers (Experimental) only Fedora
- Support for 32 and 64 bits.
- more than 100 programs and modifications to the system.
- News programs.
- Developing the next release for Fedora 24
Programming Language: Unix Shell.
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