mybatis mapper4 online with Winfy

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Quick description about mybatis mapper4:

This book starts with a simple MyBatis query to build a basic development environment for learning MyBatis. Through a comprehensive sample code and test, the basic usage of adding, deleting, modifying, and checking operations in the MyBatis XML mode and annotation mode is explained, and the application of dynamic SQL in different aspects and the best practice program in the use process are introduced. Provides a wealth of examples for MyBatis advanced mapping, stored procedures, and type processors. Through a bottom-up approach, readers can better understand and master the advanced usage of MyBatis. At the same time, a detailed configuration introduction is provided for the code generator of MyBatis. In addition, the book also provides detailed content for cache configuration, plug-in development, Spring, and Spring Boot integration. Finally, we introduce Git and GitHub to let readers understand the MyBatis open source project.

  • Step by step, configure the paging plug-in
  • Two warehouse data synchronization, you can choose according to your needs
  • Java coding method integration, Spring integration, & Spring Boot integration
  • General Mapper uses JPA annotations and annotations provided by itself to implement object-relational mapping
  • The general Mapper also provides some control parameters and some parameters related to the primary key strategy
  • If you use the latest version, it is recommended to read the English document

Programming Language: Java.

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