We have hosted the application msp librarian in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about msp librarian:

Ever wanted to browse through the contents of an MSP file? If so then this could be the app for you.
(If you don't know what an MSP file is then you probably want to stop about now. MSP -a mass spectral data storage format. For anything else you'll have to look it up.)
Why use Notepad when you can use MSP Librarian and avoid the headache of all those typos?
You can browse the entries, edit them and add new.
Add more files to make a new larger file.
Curate the peaks and comments to make them consistent between entries.
Files are checked for validity on loading, metrics can be displayed.

Peak information is stored as {mass, intensity, tag} where tag is the seldom used optional peak specific comment.

For batch operations, such as rounding all the masses to integers, a scheme of programatic plugins is available. (If you're not a techy dotNet programmer this bit is probably best avoided. Just put in a ticket for new feature request).

Happy MSP Librarianing!.

  • Browse, Edit, Curate MSP files
  • View the comment and peak data per entry
  • Merge multiple msp files into one

Audience: Science/Research.
User interface: .NET/Mono.
Programming Language: Visual Basic .NET.

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