moviepy online with Winfy
We have hosted the application moviepy in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about moviepy:
MoviePy is a Python module for Video editing, which can be used for basic operations (like cuts, concatenations, title insertions), Video compositing (a.k.a. non-linear editing), Video processing, or to create advanced effects. It can read and write the most common Video formats, including GIF. MoviePy is an open source software originally written by Zulko and released under the MIT licence. It works on Windows, Mac, and Linux, with Python 2 or Python 3. The code is hosted on Github, where you can push improvements, report bugs and ask for help. There is also a MoviePy forum on Reddit and a mailing list on librelist. MoviePy depends on the Python modules NumPy, Imageio, Decorator, and Proglog, which will be automatically installed during MoviePy's installation. The software FFMPEG should be automatically downloaded/installed (by imageio) during your first use of MoviePy (installation will take a few seconds).Features:
- Cutting, concatenations, title insertions, Video compositing (a.k.a. non-linear editing), Video processing
- MoviePy can read and write all the most common audio and Video formats
- Runs on Windows/Mac/Linux, with Python 3.6+
- ImageMagick is not strictly required, but needed if you want to incorporate texts
- PyGame is needed for Video and sound previews (not relevant if you intend to work with MoviePy on a server but essential for advanced Video editing by hand)
- MoviePy is open-source software originally written by Zulko and released under the MIT licence
Programming Language: Python.
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