mooffline online with Winfy

We have hosted the application mooffline in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about mooffline:

Moodle, as also other LMS, is a great tool for providing distance education and supporting online experiences, but it fail to address its objective when the network connection is not available. This is due to the intrinsic connected-based nature of the way they are implemented. They rely on a web-server and a database server, or equivalent internal modules, to provide a standard connectivity mechanism through Internet to its services. Users are not able to access the platform if there is no Internet connection, resulting in a limitation of the LMS applicability in specific cases. With this project we present a solution to this issue with an offline application and we show a possible technical solution for the implementation. The result the work is a tool installed on the device of the learner who wants to use the courses given with the learning management system Moodle on his/her personal computer, even when he is not online.


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