manuscript4u online with Winfy

We have hosted the application manuscript4u in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about manuscript4u:

Read and search the Bible with the original languages (Hebrew;Aramaic;Greek) and a translation in paralell.
For Windows and Linux it is pre compiled. No installation, just unpack and click on the executable.
Leia e pesquise a Bíblia com as línguas originais (hebraico;aramaico;grego) e uma tradução em paralelo.
Para Windows e Linux está pré compilado. Não é necessário instalar, apenas descompacte e clique sobre o executável


It is Open Source GNU/GPL and the source code in Lazarus/Free Pascal is in the package.
If you have Free Pascal and Lazarus installed you can compile for other systems. If you do that, please let me know.

>>> For linux64bit unpack the second file on the list. If not working try the first file (unpack in the same folder). IF NOT LOADING, TRY ALSO: RIGHT CLICK, PERMISSIONS, ALLOW AS A PROGRAM.

  • Strong's Greek dictionary
  • internet integration through the default browser (Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
  • Septuagint with the more used versification (work in progress yet, but useful already)
  • Interface and Manual in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese
  • Notes (Annotations). You can write a note attached to each verse.
  • Annotations (keep a BACKUP because it has a bug and I can't fix it right now!)


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