We have hosted the application lightning design system for react in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about lightning design system for react:

Accessible, localization-friendly, presentational React components. The Lightning Design System for React is an implementation of the Lightning Design System with accessible patterns and established best practices. The source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause. For a no hassle setup and compatibility with Create React App, transpiled ES6 and CommonJS module versions have been included within the NPM package. If using this setup, please re-write the import statement in the documentation site examples. Advanced usage requires that your babel presets are set up correctly. create-react-app and environments that do not transpile code within node_modules are not compatible with the component import below. All the examples on the documentation site use this syntax. You can use the Babel preset, @salesforce/babel-preset-design-system-react, to get started. This preset will keep Babel compatible with Design System React and allow ES6 module benefits such as tree-shaking.

  • Create the world�s best enterprise app experiences
  • Documentation and interactive examples
  • Transpile with .babelrc settings
  • Bundle icons
  • Clone and develop locally with Storybook and in-browser tests
  • Bundled script files are provided only for convenience

Programming Language: JavaScript.

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