libregrammar languagetool fork online with Winfy
We have hosted the application libregrammar languagetool fork in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about libregrammar languagetool fork:
This is a free and open-source style and grammar checker forked from Languagetool.This project intends to be a full-blown software editor for French, English, German,
Spanish, Portuguese and many other languages that enhances LanguageTool with
extended rules — with emphasis on style rules —, and enables many rules disabled
by default on LanguageTool project.
Other changes include lower reliance on online mechanisms and extra languages.
Este é um verificador de gramática e estilo gratuito e de código-fonte aberto, bifurcado
do Languagetool.
Este projeto pretende ser um editor de software completo para francês, inglês, alemão,
espanhol, português e muitos outros idiomas; ampliando o conjunto regras do
LanguageTool — com forte ênfase nas regras de estilo —, e activando muitas regras
inactivas por padrão no projeto anterior.
Outras mudanças incluem suporte para português de Portugal pré-Acordo Ortográfico
e menos dependências online.
- + English: EnglishSimpleGrammarRule for simple replacement rule creation - 877 entries added from Wikipedia;
- + English: EnglishVerbNounConfusionRule covering 1530 confusion pairs;
- + English: eggcorn detection - 216 entries from Grammark and After the Dealine (AtD);
- + English: cliche detection - 691 entries from AtD;
- + English: 727 entries to wordiness database, retrieved from Grammark;
- + English: EnglishStyleRepeatedWordRule;
- + English: added 533 pairs of easily confused words - active only with ngram data (see http: //;
- + Portuguese: Portugal Portuguese former orthographic agreement full support added (Portugal preAO);
- + Spanish: re-activated Subject-Predicate agreement category;
- + Irish: add support, including 1184 grammar rules and conversion to Irish nomenclature;
- + Arabic: add initial support, including spelling and 114 grammar rules;
- + German: GermanStyleRepeatedWordRule and LongSentenceRule active by default;
- + English: re-activated rule EnglishPlainEnglishRule - 697 entries from AtD;
- + English: re-activated rule Plain English category - 107 rules;
- + English: re-activated rule EnglishRedundancyRule (AtD) - 731 entries from AtD;
- + English: re-activated rule LongSentenceRule;
- + English: re-activated rule Passive voice;
- + English: re-activated rule Tired intensifiers;
- + English: re-activated rule Number at sentence start;
- + English: re-activated rule Sentence starting with 'And' or 'But';
- + English: re-activated rule Several collocation rules;
- + English: re-activated rule Articles: re-activated rule article missing before a countable noun;
- + English: re-activated rule Non-standard contractions '(I've a.)';
- + English: re-activated rule can't help but (can't help + gerund);
- + English: re-activated rule 'e.g.' without a comma;
- + English: re-activated rule 'i.e.' without a comma;
- + English: re-activated rule Missing comma before 'and, or, nor, yet, so, but';
- + English: re-activated rule Warn when the serial comma is not used;
- + English: re-activated rule No comma before 'which';
- + English: re-activated rule Several special redundancy rules;
- + English: re-activated rule Readability: re-activated rule Three nouns in a row;
- + English: re-activated rule Word order: re-activated rule 'Hopefully' starting a sentence;
- + English: re-activated rule Typographical ellipsis;
- + all generic java rules activated also in French, Italian, and Spanish
- + dependencies security updates;
- - remove Google dependencies from;
- - Server and HTTP API connection commits for LibreOffice plug-in reverted;
- - Remove most former project Freemium bindings.
Audience: Advanced End Users, Developers, End Users/Desktop.
Programming Language: Java.
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