jshopdesktop online with Winfy
We have hosted the application jshopdesktop in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about jshopdesktop:
develop by JAVA language database MySQL for Small businesses shop and Calculated price product, costs, salary Manager data ect.this is a Open Source project free download and customise code no license you can develop and selling, support commercial.
if have problem or donate to me you can visit me at zomjeeb@gmail.com
- Calculated price product
- Calculated costs
- Calculated salary
- Manager data employee
- Manager data customer
- Manager data product
- Manager data position
- Report sales monthly
- Out Bill product
- Out Slip salary
- ect
- MySQL : user = root , pass = 1234, db_name = db_jshop, host = localhost
- user : admin pass : admin
- Link download user and install program jshop http: //zomsb.blogspot.com/2013/09/link-download-user-and-install-program.html
Programming Language: Java.
Database Environment: MySQL.
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