jqm java quine mccluskey to run in linux online online with Winfy

We have hosted the application jqm java quine mccluskey to run in linux online in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about jqm java quine mccluskey to run in linux online:

Java Quine McCluskey implements the Quine McCluskey algorithm with Petrick’s Method (or the method of prime implicants) for minimization of Boolean functions. This software can be used both for learning and solving real problems. As learning/teaching tool it presents not only the results, but also how the problem was solved as well as how to use Karnaugh Maps to solve the problem.
Up to sixteen functions of sixteen variables can be minimized. A graphical interface is provided for entering and editing the truth table that can be saved and loaded. The results can be exported in HTML format. It generates the Karnaugh Map for educational purpose and the actual truth table from the obtained expressions even when multiple solutions for each function are found.
This implementation supports PLC programming, so results can be presented in many forms including Structured Text (ST) and Ladder Diagram (LD) along conventional Boolean expression.

  • Up to 16 input variables.
  • Up to 16 functions (output variables).
  • Petrick’s Method used to find solutions covered by non-essential prime implicant.
  • Comfortable graphical interface allows variable renaming and column reorder.
  • Truth table can be saved in CSV file for external editing or reuse. Then it can be loaded again. Also, one can generate the truth table using other software and “import” (open) for edition and minimization.
  • Besides using the graphical interface, truth table can be written in a text file then load in the software. Several formats are available including: list decimal representing implicants and don’t care, Karnaugh Map and CSV with wildcards.
  • Results can be expressed in several formats like: conventional Boolean expression, LaTeX, Structured Text (ST) and Ladder Diagram (LD).
  • Results can be exported to HTML file and open in an internet browser.
  • Because this software aims PLC programming, solutions are independent (non-simultaneous). It would not be too difficult to modify the algorithm to support simultaneous solution.
  • Generates Karnaugh Maps in HTML and LaTeX. Great if you are learning or teaching K Maps.
  • Not only solves the problem, but also shows how the solution was obtained.
  • To use the software just download the zip file, unzip it and double click on "JQM-QuineMcCluskey.jar". Please see ReadMe.txt (or LeiaMe.txt if you prefer Portuguese) for more details and examples.

Audience: Education, Engineering.
User interface: Java SWT.
Programming Language: Java.


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