instagram scraper online with Winfy

We have hosted the application instagram scraper in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about instagram scraper:

instagram-scraper is a command-line application written in Python that scrapes and downloads an instagram user's photos and videos. Use responsibly. To scrape a private user's media you must be an approved follower. Providing username and password is optional, if not supplied the scraper runs as a guest. In this case all private user's media will be unavailable. All user's stories and high-resolution profile pictures will also be unavailable. By default, downloaded media will be placed in <current working directory>/<username>. It may be useful to specify the --maximum <#> argument to limit the total number of items to scrape when scraping by hashtag. The locations can only be separated by newlines and spaces.

  • Scrape a user's media
  • Scrape a hashtag for media
  • Specify multiple users, pass a delimited list of users
  • Supply a file containing a list of usernames
  • Supply a file containing a list of location ids
  • To scrape a private user's media you must be an approved follower

Programming Language: Python.

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