firststep programming language online with Winfy
We have hosted the application firststep programming language in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about firststep programming language:
This is an interpreted programming language that is designed to teach young children the fundamentals of programming, hiding away from students the complex concepts of programming, such as parentheses, quotes, data types, arrays, while allowing them to understand the basic concepts of programming, and, move to a more advanced language.It also serves as an exapmle on how to create an interpreter with QBASIC.
The interpreter is written in QBASIC, and is licensed under the GNU GPLv2.
About the unixname:
The "shortname" of the project was a typo, but it was too late when I actually realised it.
Features that still need to be implemented:
Boolean expressions (IF) (If I ever find a flexible way to implement them, because you can't parse user input to a boolean command in QBASIC, without using a dynamically changed BAS file, which is going to fail if using it compilled)
The source code should be compiled with either QB64, QuickBASIC or freeBASIC (with the -lang qb switch enabled.
- Simple, short, easy-to-remember commands, which makes teaching easier.
- Ideal for use as a linear-programming education environment
- Can handle up to 500 variables (identified by numbers 1-500) and can open up to one file at a time (this limitation will soon be removed).
Audience: Education, End Users/Desktop.
User interface: Command-line.
Programming Language: BASIC.
Interpreters, Education
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