file splitter rejoiner online with Winfy

We have hosted the application file splitter rejoiner in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about file splitter rejoiner:

* Freeware
* Open Source
* 2 tools in one application
* using .Net 4.8
* (1) Simple files splitter and rejoiner tool using memory buffer
* (2) Simple files base64 encoder and decoder using random sized Stream GB/TB+ data sizes
* A good tool for an essentials inventory
* Just when required.
* Simple precise short and straightforward coding
* Tested bugs free and perfect when I developed and released it.
* Developer: Tushar Jain
* Release Time: 09: 33 PM
* Release Date: Friday, 23 April 2021
* */.

  • split and rejoin files with a custom ending file extension.
  • rejoin all files into a single original file.
  • uses memory buffer, so fast.
  • simple base64 file encoding and decoding using random sized Stream
  • convert to base64 text file and split and rejoin it using this application
  • all .net 4.8
  • visual studio 2019


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