fastroute online with Winfy

We have hosted the application fastroute in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about fastroute:

This library provides a fast implementation of a regular expression-based router. Firstly, while writing a PHP extension is obviously a lot of fun, it is unlikely to be particularly beneficial in terms of performance unless the code involves computations in tight loops. Porting “normal” components like routers to C is usually a big waste of time. You can get much better results by doing a few small improvements on the algorithmic side. For the same reason I’m not a big fan of things like Phalcon, i.e. PHP frameworks written as a C extension. You can get good performance by using an appropriate application design (that is not massively overengineered) and still retain the flexibility of keeping everything in PHP. A URI is dispatched by calling the dispatch() method of the created dispatcher. This method accepts the HTTP method and a URI. Getting those two bits of information (and normalizing them appropriately) is your job.

  • The routes are defined by calling the FastRoute\simpleDispatcher() function
  • Custom patterns for route placeholders cannot use capturing groups
  • Shortcut methods for common request methods
  • You can specify routes inside of a group
  • Nested groups are also supported
  • The route parser can be overwritten individually (to make use of some different pattern syntax)

Programming Language: PHP.

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