emailvalidator online with Winfy

We have hosted the application emailvalidator in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about emailvalidator:

A library for validating emails against several RFC. This library aims to support RFCs 5321, 5322, 6530, 6531, 6532, and 1035. Composer is required for installation. Spoofchecking and DNSCheckValidation validation requires that your PHP system has the PHP Internationalization Libraries (also known as PHP Intl). PHP version upgrades will happen to accomodate to the pace of major frameworks. Minor versions bumps will go via minor versions of this library (i.e: PHP7.3 -> v3.x+1). Major versions will go with major versions of the library. EmailValidatorrequires you to decide which (or combination of them) validation/s strategy/ies you'd like to follow for each validation. Note that warnings are deviations from the RFC that in a broader interpretation are acceptded. It's easy to extend! You just need to implement EmailValidation and you can use your own validation.

  • RFCValidation, standard RFC-like email validation
  • NoRFCWarningsValidation, RFC-like validation that will fail when warnings are found
  • DNSCheckValidation, will check if there are DNS records that signal that the server accepts emails. This does not entails that the email exists
  • MultipleValidationWithAnd, a validation that operates over other validations performing a logical and (&&) over the result of each validation
  • MessageIDValidation, which follows RFC2822 for message-id to validate that field, that has some differences in the domain part
  • Your own validation, as you can extend the library behaviour by implementing your own validations

Programming Language: PHP.
Email Spam Filter, Email

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