We have hosted the application easyquizzer in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about easyquizzer:

Developed with the aim of helping teachers from different areas to create automated tests that are unique for each student. EasyQuizzer stores all questions in a database management system. Subsequently, an exam is set up with the desired items. The program will then run randomization algorithms that will shuffle both the questions and the alternatives so that there are no two identical exams.

Desenvolvido com o intuito de auxiliar professores a criar provas �nicas para cada aluno. O EasyQuizzer armazena todos os seus dados em um Sistema Gerenciadorde de Bancos de Dados, a saber, o Postgres. O programa executa algoritmos de randomiza��o de alternativas certas e erradas por quest�o, al�m de embaralhar quest�es e alternativas evitando que existam duas provas com o mesmo conjunto de alternativas. O usu�rio pode especificar o numero de provas que deseja gerar, lembrando que a quantidade de alternativas determina o n�mero m�ximo de provas �nicas.

  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Java 8
  • Postgres 9.5 or higher

Audience: Non-Profit Organizations, Education, End Users/Desktop.
User interface: JavaFX.
Programming Language: Java.
Database Environment: PostgreSQL (pgsql).


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