dirsearch online with Winfy

We have hosted the application dirsearch in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about dirsearch:

An advanced command-line tool designed to brute force directories and files in webservers, AKA web path scanner. Wordlist is a text file, each line is a path. About extensions, unlike other tools, dirsearch only replaces the %EXT% keyword with extensions from -e flag. For wordlists without %EXT% (like SecLists), -f | --force-extensions switch is required to append extensions to every word in wordlist, as well as the /. To use multiple wordlists, you can separate your wordlists with commas. Example: wordlist1.txt,wordlist2.txt. Default values for dirsearch flags can be edited in the configuration file: default.conf. The thread number (-t | --threads) reflects the number of separated brute force processes. And so the bigger the thread number is, the faster dirsearch runs. By default, the number of threads is 30, but you can increase it if you want to speed up the progress.

  • dirsearch allows you to import the raw request from a file
  • Supported wordlist formats are uppercase, lowercase, capitalization
  • Scan sub-directories
  • Supported report formats are simple, plain, json, xml, md, csv, html
  • Requires python 3.7 or higher
  • Force-recursive and deep-recursive directories

Programming Language: Python.

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