cssgram online with Winfy

We have hosted the application cssgram in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about cssgram:

Simply put, CSSgram is a library for editing your images with Instagram-like filters directly using CSS. What we're doing is adding filters to the images, as well as applying color and/or gradient overlays via various blending techniques to mimic filter effects. This means less manual image processing and more fun filter effects on the web! We are using pseudo-elements (i.e. : before and : after) to create the filter effects, so you must apply these filters on a containing element (i.e. not a content-block like <img>. The recommendation is to wrap your images in a <figure> tag. If you use custom naming in your CSS architecture, you can add the .scss files for the provided styles within your project and then @extend the filter effects within your style definitions. Mixins allow for multiple filter arguments to be passed into your classes. This is useful for if you want to add filters in addition to the ones provided (i.e. add a blur).

  • A tiny (<1kb gzipped!) library for recreating Instagram filters with CSS filters and blend modes
  • This library uses CSS filters and CSS blend modes
  • Supports Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox
  • When using CSS classes, you can simply add the class with the filter name to the element containing your image
  • Mixins allow for multiple filter arguments to be passed into your classes
  • You can also add additional filters as arguments when using the library with mixins

Programming Language: JavaScript.


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