coterminalapps online with Winfy

We have hosted the application coterminalapps in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about coterminalapps:

CoTerminalApps is a collection of ASCII games & puzzles that can run on Windows, Mac/OSX, & Linux. Includes SpaceInvaders, Pacman & Frogger arcade games and an RPN calculator.

Many of these kid-friendly puzzles now have an embedded AutoSolver to help you step toward a solution.

There are 10 puzzles: crush, cslid, c7, caz, csok, chio, chio4, c9, cdd, cpana

* traffic-rush (dozens)
* block-sliders (15 Klotski type)
* seven, A2z
* sokoban (dozens of families)
* HoleInOne, HoleInOne+4, Nine (Grabarchuk)
* Nine slider
* DirtyDozen (12 block-slider)
============= & 3 arcade games: ===================
* Pacman
* Frogger
* SpaceInvaders

Usable keys for all:

* arrow-keys for movement;
* (q)=quit
* (?)=help toggle

The proper command to extract the archive and maintain the directory structure is "7z x filename".

  • Note that all of my FOSS games may be run from a thumb drive: Simply unzip onto a USB flash drive [w/same file format] and run.
  • Runs on Windows, OSX, and Linux.
  • Compiles on any OS with GNAT installed.
  • Space Invaders Video: https: //

Audience: End Users/Desktop.
User interface: Console/Terminal.
Programming Language: Ada.
Games/Entertainment, Console Games, Puzzle Games

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