c0cms community widget online with Winfy
We have hosted the application c0cms community widget in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about c0cms community widget:
=== Donate to the C0CMS Project ===Flattr : https: //flattr.com/t/961915
Paypal : http: //slcnc.blogspot.fr/p/donatecontact.html
=== Deployment scenarii ===
* Basic scenario : copy and paste the following HTML code in any blog, CMS or website surpporting iframe-based widgets :
<iframe src="http: //shangri-l.dyndns.org/audio/road-travel-ZZL/" style="background-color: white;" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>
* Advanced scenario
-download the latest version
-edid the file : modify $addcode to add whatever you want instead of default advertising, and replace any occurence of http: //www.example.com by your root website url
-deploy the php file on your web server. Create subdirs named 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Provides bulletin boards for websites.
See it working : http: //road-travel.zxq.net
http: //www.underketing.com/p/community.html.
Audience: End Users/Desktop.
User interface: Web-based.
Programming Language: PHP.
Database Environment: Flat-file.
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