babyxrc online with Winfy

We have hosted the application babyxrc in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about babyxrc:

The Baby X resource compiler (babyxrc) is a program to import binary data, such as images in most common formats, audio data, fonts, cursors, and text data, and output it as portable, compileable C source.

Input is the raw binary resource data (.jpegs, .wavs etc) and a simple xml file which lists the files and the format in which they are to be output. It's very easy to maintain. To avoid users having to maintain a tool chain, a few basic transformations like resizing images or resampling audio files to match the rate required by the program are included. Output is clean, compileable ANSI C source which should be accepted by any C compiler.

The Baby X resource compiler is portable, unlike the resource compilers which come packaged with monolithic IDEs. So it's far easier to maintain.

  • Portable ANSI C output
  • Loads most commonly found binary data
  • Easy to use

Audience: Developers.
User interface: Command-line.
Programming Language: C.
Code Generators

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