afero online with Winfy

We have hosted the application afero in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about afero:

Afero is a filesystem framework providing a simple, uniform and universal API interacting with any filesystem, as an abstraction layer providing interfaces, types and methods. Afero has an exceptionally clean interface and simple design without needless constructors or initialization methods. Afero is also a library providing a base set of interoperable backend filesystems that make it easy to work with afero while retaining all the power and benefit of the os and ioutil packages. Afero provides significant improvements over using the os package alone, most notably the ability to create mock and testing filesystems without relying on the disk. It is suitable for use in any situation where you would consider using the OS package as it provides an additional abstraction that makes it easy to use a memory backed file system during testing. It also adds support for the http filesystem for full interoperability.

  • A single consistent API for accessing a variety of filesystems
  • Interoperation between a variety of file system types
  • A set of interfaces to encourage and enforce interoperability between backends
  • An atomic cross platform memory backed file system
  • Support for compositional (union) file systems by combining multiple file systems acting as one
  • Specialized backends which modify existing filesystems (Read Only, Regexp filtered)

Programming Language: Go.
File Systems

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